OpenEye Scientific Software社では、2010年より創薬研究の計算化学分野での最新研究成果を日本国内の研究者の皆様に共有して頂く目的で、研究講演会JCUPを開催しております。JCUPはOpenEye社製品のユーザに限定された会ではございませんので、当該分野でご活躍の製薬企業、大学、公的研究機関等の研究者でしたらどなたでもご参加頂くことが可能です。例年海外からの研究者にもご発表頂いておりますので、国際的な観点で創薬研究に関して活発な議論を行って頂く場として是非ご活用下さい。
本年は、以下の通りJCUP IXを開催することと致しました。皆様のご参加を心よりお待ちしております。
2018年5月24日(木) - 25日(金)
東京都千代田区大手町2-6-1 朝日生命大手町ビル27階A室
電話: 03-3270-3266
J.B. Brown, PhD (Kyoto University)
JCUP IXプログラム(予定)
Thursday, May 24
- 10:00 - Registration
Morning Session:
- 10:30 - Opening Remarks - J.B. Brown, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
- 10:40 - Welcoming Remarks - Anthony Nicholls, CEO, OpenEye
- 11:10 - "Spruce and MMDS - preparing and delivering model-ready protein structures" - Bob Tolbert, OpenEye
- 11:40 - "Implementing MD into Orion" - Gaetano Calabro, OpenEye
- 12:10 - Break (15 min.)
Luncheon Seminar:
- 12:25 - "OpenEye Scientific Updates" - Paul Hawkins, OpenEye
- 12:55 - Break (15 min.)
Afternoon Session I:
- 13:05 - "Application of a new molecular scaffold concept for computational target deconvolution" - Ryo Kunimoto, University of Bonn
- 13:35 - "Chemogenomic active learning - new frontiers based on an old concept" - J.B. Brown, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
- 14:05 - "Orion: Delivering Drug Design and Discovery in the Cloud" - Andy Maynard, OpenEye
Poster Session:
- 14:35 - Posters (1.5 hours)
Afternoon Session II:
- 16:10 - "Recent Advances in Conformational Sampling at OpenEye" - Paul Hawkins, OpenEye
- 16:40 - "Beyond the Rule of 5 - Outer limits of oral absorption and insight into design at the extremes"- Jan Kihlberg, University of Uppsala
- 17:25 - "FastROCS, Fast2D & FastOmega" - Perri Needham, OpenEye
- 18:00 - Banquet (2 hours)
Friday, May 25
- 9:30 - Registration
Morning Session:
- 10:15 - “Binding energy prediction by docking-score QSAR: state-of-the-art and limitations” - Yoshifumi Fukunishi, AIST, 3D drug design team
- 10:45 - “How can we identify the correct pose out of docking poses by MD simulations?!” - Hironori Kokubo, Axcelead Drug Discovery Partners
- 11:15 - “Exploiting active site solvation structure and thermodynamics for drug discovery and design“ - Tom Kurtzman, Lehman College
- 12:00 - Break (10 min.)
Luncheon Seminar:
- 12:10 - "Covalent Docking on Orion" - Ryuichiro Hara, OpenEye Japan
- 12:50 - Break (15 min.)
Afternoon Session I:
- 13:05 - "Model Surprise" - Anthony Nicholls, OpenEye
- 13:35 - "Lead Optimization Telemetry: how well is your pipeline trending?" - Andy Maynard, Former GlaxoSmithKline plc Researcher
- 14:20 - Break (15 min.)
Afternoon Session II:
- 14:35 - "Regulation of host homeostasis by pathogenic bacterial ubiquitin ligases" - Minsoo Kim, Kyoto University
- 15:05 - “The Foundations of AI-driven Drug Discovery…and how the IDG KMC can help” - Tudor Oprea, University of New Mexico
- 15:50 - Closing Remarks
(*Above schedule, speakers and titles of each talk may be subject to change.)
電話: 03-6441-3707
The previous JCUP events