OpenEye Scientific is now part of Cadence

Conversations at CUP: Paul Hawkins & John D. Chodera

Conversations at CUP: Paul Hawkins & John D. Chodera

CUP is Cadence Molecular Sciences (OpenEye) largest scientific meeting. Customers, users, and programmers from all over the world meet to discuss drug discovery, technology, and the latest industry trends.

CUP XXII attendee, John D. Chodera is the Lab Head at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC). Founded in 1884, MSKCC is a world leader in cancer patient care, research, and educational programs. Their mission is to end cancer for life.

In addition to being a full member at MSKCC, John is an Einstein Visiting Professor at the Berlin Institute of Health and the head of Chodera Lab. Chodera Lab is a core member of the AI-driven Structure-enabled Antiviral Discovery Platform (ASAP) which is powered by the OpenEye platform, the Folding@home Consortium, the Open Force Field Initiative, and the COVID Moonshot.

John sat down with Paul Hawkins, Product Evangelist, Cadence Molecular Sciences, to discuss a variety of topics including the history of Covid Moonshot Program (SARS-CoV-2), open source vs. for profit in drug discovery, antibacterial drug resistance, integrating AI and physics, OpenEye tools and more.

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