OpenEye Scientific is now part of Cadence

The Orion® Web Interface

Orion delivers powerful visualization and collaboration tools from a unified web based interface. All you need is a web browser to calculate, analyze, and visualize your data—anywhere, anytime. You and your colleagues can simultaneously view ligands and proteins in 2D or 3D, draw and edit molecules, and analyze data using chemically-aware spreadsheets, graphs, and plots. Annotate results as you go, without delays and without the need to send files back and forth.



  • Web based interface for instant access, anywhere and anytime
  • Viewer customization with mix-and-match display features
  • Chemically-aware spreadsheets, graphs, and plots
  • Interactive 2D/3D protein and ligand models instantly render
  • Powerful molecular drawing and editing tools
  • Real-time collaboration features for seamless data sharing, annotation, and collaboration
  • Molecular search functionalities for instantaneous results
  • Secure and safe data encryption and transmission using Amazon Virtual Private Cloud

Customize Your View

Configure the Orion user interface to your needs. Design your preferred view by mixing and matching options such as graphs, plots, tables, 2D and 3D models, and analysis results.


Collaborate in Real-Time

Seamlessly share your project data, visualize and annotate results, and collaborate with your team members in real-time—saving time by eliminating the hassle of large file transfers.


Access Anywhere, Anytime

Orion is delivered from a powerful web based interface so you can securely access your data from anywhere and at anytime.

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miniWebinar: Opening up the druggable universe one cryptic pocket at a time
Essentials of Computational Drug Discovery - Complimentary Access
New Year’s 2025 Fireside Chat with Anthony Nicholls
miniWebinar: Optimizing lead compounds with efficient binding free energy calculations
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