OpenEye Scientific is now part of Cadence
Trusted Science. Delivered the Way You Need.

Quantum Chemistry

OpenEye provides you with diverse tools to understand molecules at the electronic level of detail. Experiments complemented with highly-accurate quantum calculations can provide valuable mechanistic insights. OpenEye’s Orion cloud-native platform enables you to easily use quantum methods with various molecular modeling and simulations techniques to solve your most challenging scientific problems, fast.

Quantum torsion graph.

Trusted Science.

Psi4 Quantum Chemistry

Optimized for usability and cloud-performance, OpenEye's implementation of Psi4 is for tailored for novice and experienced users. Included with Orion® Small Molecule Discovery Suite

Gaussian 16

The widely accepted industry standard quantum calculation is now easier to use, more automatable, and faster in the Orion Gaussian Module

Cadence Announces New Life Sciences Leadership
miniWebinar: Opening up the druggable universe one cryptic pocket at a time
Cocktails & Molecules
Expanding Orion’s Capabilities with AI
miniWebinar: Optimizing lead compounds with efficient binding free energy calculations
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