OpenEye Scientific is now part of Cadence

OpenEye Platform Support

OpenEye software is highly portable across a diverse set of hardware and software platforms, reflecting the diversity currently evident in the software industry.

Definition of "platform"

Platforms are defined as an operating system and processor type or as a cloud-based environment. OpenEye's Applications (GUI enabled) and Toolkits support the most recent OS version and widely-used legacy versions. OpenEye software is also available in Orion cloud-native modeling platform which can be directly accessed from your web browsers.

Application vs. Toolkit platforms: Compiler support

For products which are C++ toolkits, the compiler is an important aspect of the platform. Typically the compiler used by the customer must correspond precisely with the compiler used to build the toolkit. As with application platform support, the goals remain the same: to effectively support software users in a dependable way, balancing commercial and technical issues. But there are many details.

Similarly, toolkits wrapped for use with Python, Java, or other languages will require specificity in the installed development environment.

Due to the use of C++, and the lack or instability of a standardized C++ ABIs on many operating systems, versions of the toolkits are provided for different compilers, and even different compiler versions. Typically, toolkits are available for the system's native C++ compiler, and also for a more current GNU g++ version. For questions, please contact


Supported Platform for 2024.2 Applications (GUI enabled):

OS Versions
Linux RHEL8/9, Ubuntu20/22
Windows Win10, Win11

12, 13, 14






Supported Platform for 2024.2 Toolkits:

Package Versions Linux Windows macOS (x64 and arm64)
Python 3.9 - 3.12 RHEL8/9, Ubuntu20/22/22-ARM/24 Win10/11 12, 13, 14
C++   RHEL8/9, Ubuntu20/22/22-ARM/24 Win10/11 (VS2022) 12, 13, 14

8, 11, 20

RHEL8/9, Ubuntu20/22/22-ARM/24


12, 13, 14




Win10/11 (VS2022)










Have questions? Please contact

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